Sometimes we have to say goodbye…

I have a friend who never says goodbye to his adult children. They always end their visits with a ‘see you soon!’ When I heard this, I was immediately inspired. ‘What a great concept’, I thought. They have such a relationship that ending their departure is that much easier if they just begin to imagine their next visit together through, ‘see you soon’. This got me thinking…

When we begin to imagine ourselves differently and what we want to create in our lives we begin to energetically move towards our dream. No matter what. The universe will never deny our requests. It only seeks to be in alignment with us. And we have to be in alignment with what we wish to create.

Simply said, this father and daughter have created a way to continue their relationship and energetically create their next visit by purely ending their visits with, ‘see you soon’. They both are in alignment with what they want and as such, their next visit together is already being created. Their cords keep running back and forth from each other and they consciously and subconsciously are creating even though they may be miles apart.

It got me thinking further… how many of us pay attention to this small and yet profoundly simple process? How many of us know how powerful the word is and how powerful our thought processes are? How many of us spend that much time thinking about this. And then I thought, not many of us do think about this, and yet again I realized, that’s why I do think about these things.

It’s what I do. I always look at energy and decide how we are connecting or not connecting to what we want or what we think we need. How are we in alignment with what we want and what is happening on a day to day basis to get us there? I’m always pondering, how are my actions lining up with my goals and aspirations and what might I be doing or not doing to line up with what I believe I want?

Simply put, these two people know that it is hard to say goodbye, and they have agreed to keep their relationship connected while they are apart by three simple words, ‘see you soon’. Thus, they have created an energetic bond that keeps them in alignment with each other to create their next reunion. They even are energetically supporting and inspiring each other just through their common goal they both freely unite upon. It’s amazing how a simple agreement in alignment with both of their highest vibrations just never fails.

I know, I know… I’m thinking too much about this. But am I? Really, am I? Think about it… if we could all have these types of relationships where we could freely have conscious commitments with each other understanding our energy and our words are that powerful… could you imagine how empowered we would be? Could you possibly imagine how much powerful we would feel if we could be alignment with what we truly wanted all the time? In addition, if we had the tools and resources to support this? In essence we could be powerfully supported and lead guided and directed in all of our actions if we could just be alignment with what we truly wanted.

Simply, father and daughter, know they can’t be together all the time but know they don’t want to be apart either. So they have consciously decided to keep their relationship going energetically until their cords can pull them closer again physically.

Now how many of us know that we do this on a daily basis even with things that we don’t want? This brings me to my next thought… how many of us are unconsciously drawing to us what we don’t want until we can’t take it anymore and have to wake up to what we keep doing to ourselves?

I did that for a really loooooooong time and I still find myself doing that from time to time. These are called life lessons in many traditions. And I also like to see them as energy.

Maybe entertain the possibility that we all have lessons to learn but do we need to keep learning them from a lesser way through the lower vibrations of shame, resentment, defeat, struggle, and survival? Many of us keep repeating the same habits because we are caught in these energies of thought forms or cords that keep us bound to the difficult way of doing things. But why do we do this to ourselves?

Any number of reasons why… maybe we learned how to struggle or survive as a victim or martyr from our parents. Maybe we were taught to do this the hard way through authority figures and our communities. Maybe it was our religious beliefs or the rules and regulations that were put on us through our institutions. Maybe.

And if we don’t at least look at why we keep doing these things and feeling this way, we end up remaining where we are repeating the same scenarios in our life until we just either have to awaken or we slowly die trying. I prefer the awakening process.

Which always leads me to my next thought… how do I do this? How do I create something new without holding onto the old that is not working anymore? Well, to me, we just simply have to say, ‘goodbye’. Permanently. We have to believe we deserve the miracle of shifting the energy, that we do not need to suffer anymore, and we just have to allow the old ways to die. Some of us are really good at saying goodbye to old ways and some of us take a little more time. It’s just who we are. Some of us like to say ‘see you soon’ even though we should be saying ‘goodbye’ because we don’t know how to just let go, permanently.

And, that’s what I do. I like to permanently say ‘goodbye’ to things that no longer help me thrive and ‘see you soon’ to those that do. Which takes me to the next thought… how do we discern what to let go and what to hang on?

We just let go of everything… we become untethered and hold no expectation to something the way we think it should be and instead allow for life to unfold before us. Meaning we accept we control nothing and we open. In that unfolding we become the gems that have been waiting to shine.

But, like saying ‘goodbye’, we sometimes just don’t like this. We don’t like things to be different and we don’t like how it feels to shed the control and move into something new. There may be all sorts of reasons for this… old patterns and behaviors that are no longer working but we don’t know how move on and create new ones. These are the cords I spoke about earlier. These are the cords that are not serving us that we have to permanently release and resolve so they don’t keep showing up in new relationships that are just a repeat of the old patterns. How do we know this is happening? Well, it’s because we keep feeling the same no matter what we do to improve our lives… it’s just not working.

It’s like we are unconsciously saying, ‘see you soon’ to a bully that keeps showing up to traumatize us because we are attached to fear and lower forms of thinking. We’re not doing this on purpose… it’s just something we don’t really address on a daily basis and it is certainly not a part of anyone’s day to day dinner conversations. Or at least this is true for most people.

So what do I do when I come up with patterns that don’t serve me and I keep stumbling? I sit with it, I feel it in the body, I see what the story is that I have created around it, and I permanently say ‘goodbye’. I energetically forgive and release it and make sure it is dissolved and resolved.

This is self care of the highest form of love that says ‘goodbye’ to what is not serving our highest purpose and potential so we can achieve our own self mastery. Then we can fully show up for others and be there in a way that helps us all. Then we are no longer living off the dramas and the addictions of ourselves and others and we are fully showing up. This allows our lights to shine and we can become more, give more freely, and have more to refill and pass along to others.

And if your not sure how to say ‘goodbye’ or when to say ‘see you later’ and how to know the difference… that’s what I do. I coach you on how to discern the difference. Then on how to make your life show up differently in all areas.

From relationships to family, career to prosperity, health to spirit.

So next time your wondering ‘what is happening?’, ‘why do I keep doing this?’, or ‘how can I do this differently?’, think about either a simple one to one session or an entire coaching experience.

I do both.

And next time you are deciding between ‘see you soon’ and ‘goodbye’ reflect on your goals and intentions and tune into the power of your words and actions. You just might simply be able to discern and truly know for yourself what serves your highest self. And then you can consciously choose when to say ‘see you soon’ and when to permanently say ‘goodbye’.

I hope you enjoyed this blog… here are some up-coming events and links to my schedule and appointments.

A 6-12 week personal journey to remove unwanted behaviors and being in what you do want. Contact me today to inquire or set up a time to speak. The Sandwich Connection (healing & manifestation coaching program)
contact me directly. Reiki and healing sessions available at several locations and remote online
Single Healing & Coaching Sessions
Learn how to use energy to heal

4 Replies to “Sometimes we have to say goodbye…”

  1. Beautifully put and well said. I like the concept of saying goodbye to the things that tie us to the unwanted.
    See you soon Jennifer!

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