The Rise of the Light Worker

It’s time dear one…

It’s here. We have been here many times. Now, it is time to go to the next level. You are ready. In all space and time dimension it has already been done. This is what we have been leading you to. This internal/eternal knowing that it all comes to is the point of neutrality, where yin meets yang, where all that is becomes one that is, where nature nurtures and nurture natures, where no point begin and everything ends. This is the space. The vortex. The space between the words when all realities coincide at the same time. You have come to the point of liminal space. Right here and right now… it is time to shift to a new reality where nothing that has ever been ever existed or did it? That is the power of forgiveness and the understanding that as humanity learns to stay present the power that medusa held from looking at the past no longer has any grasp over reality and we understand the complete human which is the complete femininity of masculine and feminine all existing at the same time…this is the point where nothing and everything remains and once you are here nothing else exists except that point of no return which takes you everywhere and anywhere all at the same time. Where you go forward through one door and you don’t return or look back. Then there is only going forward and when you do, everything exists all at one time. When this happens everything gets taken care of and now you know the point of no return…. you made it… you are here… bask in the sunshine and freshness of this space and be the container that this vessel contains. It is all here right here and right now. Be here now. And in this is the point of know return. You are here… go forward and be in the point, the point of no return…. Rest here in the moment and know that as you continue to go through it all happens…. keep going forth… keep your eye on the prize…. you are here…. pass it along pass it along to the everything and nothing all at the same time. Let neutrality take over and create the new reality that is already here. It is. We are… and all is one. It is int the leaf falling from the sky. It is in the consciousness that resides in us all. It is the stillness that speaks to you from within. It is in this moment right here and right now. Breathe.


Breathe into it.

Be in the moment of this moment and then be in the moment of the next… It is realy that simple.

All space and time do not exist and it is here where everything is possible.

Birth out into the new….birth into the beingness of the new you…birth into who you are. Birth into your divinity.

Now it is done. You are one with God.

Thank you God. Thank you God. Thank you.


This came into today. This was the message I heard in one of my daily writings. It was a calling to me to go to the next level. If it calls to you I invite you to join me in the following events….

Upcoming events you’ll want to check out.  Reach out to me with any questions:   

1. Kundalini Class Thursday Evening 

2. Sandwich Connection Begins February 28th

3. Reiki + Meditation Every Monday Evening

4. Usui Holy Fire III Reiki Level 1 Certificate

5. Usui Holy Fire III Reiki Level 2 Certificate

6. Usui Holy Fire III Reiki Level 1 & 2 Upgrade

7. Working with the Seven Rays 

8. Monthly Reiki Practice + Skill Enhancement


Thursday is Kundalini Yoga!  


Thursday, February 29 • 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM

Information & Sign Up!


The Sandwich Connection – Heartfully Manifest

Wednesdays, Feb 28 thru – Apr 10, 2024,

6:30-8:00 PM

The Sandwich Connection – Heartfully Manifest Your Soul’s Purpose and Your Spirit’s Joy.
I often ask myself… “What is possible?”
I am always wondering what ‘more’ can I do?
Years ago I developed this program because I needed to shift my thinking into a state of cohesive consciousness in alignment with my soul and spirit.

What is soul?
This is our reason for being here.
Our soul comes in with a plan for our personal evolution.
All of our experiences are a representation of this… AND we collectively decide who we are going to pair up with to help us on our journey. Sometimes this is not so much fun because we have a filter over what is truly happening.
I did this for a really long time. Until one day, I got it… I woke up. Then there was no turning back.

Then I realized that my SPIRIT is always connected and that this connection to higher CONSCIOUSNESS wants me to ascend all of these soul lessons so that I could learn how to SOAR with Consciousness itself… which is truly who we are with our Spirit’s joy.
I say NO MATTER WHAT because I had enough ‘tragedy’ within my life and my ancestral lineage to make me ‘believe’ that I was just here to suffer through all of this.
But when I became truly connected to my SPIRIT I realized that this was the ILLUSION that the collective BELIEVES.
Yes… we are here to shatter this collective illusion and become connected to the CONSCIOUSNESS that creates miracles. Anything less than this is simply NOT TRUTH.
This is what the Sandwich Connection is ALL ABOUT.



Usui Holy Fire III Reiki Level 1 DATE

Sat, Mar 9, 2024 9:00 AM–3:00 PM

In this class you receive all the basics of the most recent version of Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki 1 class. Taught exactly from the International Center for Reiki Training Manual. You receive all the placements for the energy upgrades, the understanding of reiki, what it means to be a practitioner, all the basic techniques, how to practice, and more. We spend a significant amount of time receiving and learning how to work with the energy.

Information & Sign Up


Usui Holy Fire III Reiki Level 2 Date

Sun, Mar 10, 2024 9:00 AM–4:00 PM

Information & Sign Up


Usui/Holy Fire III – Reiki 1 & 2 – Upgraded Certification Format

Sat, Mar 16, 2024 9:00 AM–6:30 PM

Reiki is a profound experience that can deeply change life in a very short time.  Further knowledge of reiki is explored as well as deeper growth and alignment with the Holy Fire energy. 3 symbols are placed. The distant symbols as well as the symbols for mental/emotional balance and increased alignment are shared. We spend a significant portion of the class practicing and becoming refined in this new energy.

Receive the Holy Fire Energy and begin using this format immediately in your practices.  People often ask me how I can help a room full of people receive reiki energy all at one time.  My answer is that it is not me, it is the Holy Fire III reiki energy.  In 2020 the shift began.  The Holy Fire energy came in to help all people over distances great and small. 

This class is ONLY for those who want to upgrade/review and HAVE TAKEN REIKI 1 and 2 previously. 

Information & Sign Up 


Working with The Seven Rays

Sun, Mar 17, 2024 11:00 AM–3:00 PM

Rays are universal energies accessible to all.  Once aware of the possibilities held within each ray we may call upon them to help us with our daily endeavors.  There are seven rays associated with ascended masters that also work together with certain angels.  Be introduced to the energy and learn how these energies may help in life.  Help move closer to your own association with each ray.  Meditations and thoughtful introspection throughout the workshop.  

Information & Sign Up 


Monthly Reiki Practice + Skill Enhancement

Sun, Mar 17, 2024 4:00 PM–6:00 PM

Share, expand your knowledge, and practice reiki and energy healing. Winwood/IntuitLove hosts these reiki shares monthly to expand your skills. Reiki level 1 is required.
Gassho, meditations, reiki upgrades and time to practice and enhance skills will fill the two hours.

Information & Sign Up


Reiki + Meditation Every Monday Evening

Monday, February 26 • 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM

Reiki is a relaxation and stress reduction technique scientifically studied and found to help decrease stress and elevate your sense of well being. Experience meditations weekly designed for all types of learners. If this is your first time experiencing reiki + meditation or if you have a seasoned practice it may help on several levels.   No prior reiki or meditation experience is necessary. Bring a yoga mat, blanket, and journal to help enhance your experience.

Information & Sign Up

May all the light descend upon Earth and may you connect with the Earth mother ascending light within us all.  Through the light and love of the universe may your blessings abound. 

~Jennifer Lauren

AKA: Joti Tajdeep Kaur 

February 1st IntuitLove InSpirit Monthly Reminder

Hey There… 

As the quote above reminds us of who we really are, let our thoughts do the same.  In any moment if a lingering thought comes in connected to anything less than the light of who you are as a conscious and creative being… I want you to ‘CANCEL’ this out.  Just stop… don’t allow the power of that thought to enter your field of existence.  You are a part of something bigger.  The ‘I Am’ is more than an understanding… it is who you ARE.  

I am only here as a reminder for that which you already know.  Nothing I say is my wisdom… it’s part of something bigger… Consciousness or anotherwords ‘I Am.’  That is the point of this path.  Once you are connected to your Spirit’s voice… you know that only listening to the lesser thought forms of the Soul lessons does not always work.   

We are Spirit in a human body here to help our Soul evolve so that we do not keep learning the same lessons repeatedly.  That’s the whole point… to evolve.  

We do this indivdiually and collectively.  When enough of us wake up to this process we ascend at a MUCH FASTER rate and connecting with this new collective as well as living our authentic Spirit becomes so FUN!  

That means, ANYTHING that was inhibiting YOU or YOUR FAMILY or YOUR LINEAGE becomes null and void.  We no longer live in the shadows of the past and our future becomes bright and clear. 

There are multiple points in our lives that we are faced with certain uncertainties on purpose.  They are a part of our spiritual evolution.  This comes every 7-11 years, every moon cycle, and every season.  The bigger ones hapen at the 7-11 year markers.  The one’s in between are here to help us to ascend and carry us further along so that when we come upon the big shift we are prepared and ready to ascend through to the other side becoming the butterfly we were always meant to be.  

It is really that simple.  It’s just our PROGRAMING has made us feel like it is not ‘ok’ and we are not ‘ok’.  That’s just wrong.  

We are supposed to help each other ascend anything that is less than the truth and that is different for everyone.  

For me… I had a pattern of ‘I can’t do it.’  This would play repeatedly over in my life and I would constantly reflect this back to myself in everything I did until one day Spirit really shoved it in my face and one of my teachers told me… ‘You are strong enough.’   I went…. OH MY GOODNESS… there it is again.  So like a light switch, ‘I got it.’ & that changed everything.  In an instant I was done being the lesser roles in my life and I finally felt like I could be me.  

The shift was ALL ENCOMPASSING.  It was as if EVERY CELL in my body decided that I was no longer going to live with the other programming and that I was done.   There were many events that lead up to this happening… in society, in my life, in my lineage… and when I look back… this was the theme, cycle after cycle, season after season, year after year… until I came upon a 7 year marker and realized it THEN that this was the pattern.   

So, what did I do?  I shattered this pattern and went through to the other side.  How?  I used reiki & kundalini and energy healing with my ‘light force’ (code for angels, asecended masters, and guides) to help me through.  I cried, I pouted, i raged (I’m sicilian & irish…making fun of myself) over wasted time, and did alot of CANCELING thought patterns and re-writing my internal dialogue through reiki & breath work through kundalini.  It didn’t take long because I knew what I was doing.  

I also followed my Sandwich Connection program and decided life was about what I am about to create and not what I am living in the past.  

Then it shifted… and here I am.  

I want to pass this along to you.  SO EVERYTHING I DO is about passing along all this knowledge to you.  

I have been studying metaphysics for over 22 years.  Some of my teacers are 

Katye Anna 

Deborah Poneman

John Newton

Sonia Choquette

William Rand

& so many more.  

I connect daily with SPIRIT and follow exactly what guidance tells me to do that day.  

I have a routine that takes me to the next level.  And I know that I am ALWAYS being lead, guided, and directed.  

So now… I want to share with you what it is like to have so much FAITH in the unknown that you are either going to step off the cliff and out into the darkness knowing that you are going to find your footing onto the path before you or there will be nothing to take hold of and you will be taught how to fly.  

I want to teach you how to fly.  

In the next MONTH please take note of what is happening and come to a workshop, a reiki class, a meditation, a kundalini yoga class.  

Here is the list… I encourage you to join now.  

Individual sessions still remain available as always to take you to the other side.  


IntuitLove inspirit reminder 12.11.23

Hey There! 

This week’s Inspirit reminder has to do with our ability to go where we have never gone before.  Almost like we are treking out into the vastness of space, we can do the same as we look out into the ocean. 

There is so much unexplored landscape of water and deep blue that the depths as to which we can only begin to even discover in this lifetime.  Much like our lives.  I know that I have only touched the surface as to what is possible.  

Years ago, I chose to believe in miracles instead of believing in what I was told to be true. (Transcending Limitations, 2022) This began with my oldest son, Ethan.  He was born with a ‘dis-ability’ that to even this day I have a hard time believing in whatever they tell us to be true about what it is they believe that he has.  And this has worked.  Never needing surgeries or corrections to his physicality in so many ways that could have been a part of his reality if we decided it was to be so.  Instead we chose to believe differently.  

I continue to always choose to think and live differently from the heart.  

I was re-reading in another book that has been sitting on my shelf that speaks about re-awakening the child heart within us.  

There is a quote in Carla Hannaford’s book “Awakening the Child Heart” that has to do with us as humans being magnificent manifestations of life force energy.  

Carla says, “…Humans and all life forms are capable of utilizing the entire available information field of reciprocal space as the playground to come into being, bringing our dreams and intentions out of high energy patterns into lower energy patterns of matter we recognize as life.  In other words, everyone can write and rewrite their own book of life, through the remarkable drive and malleability of the human spirit.  Through empiracle science, it appears we can finally understand what the ancients have told us for millennia, that we all have equal opportunity to acces whatever reality we choose.  In choosing coherence, sound, music, play, creativity, and loving from the heart, the opportunity to affect the collective consciousness in an expanded way, becomes manifest.”  

WoW!  I love this quote… it opens us up to all possibility and true coherance that as we open, expand, & become we really truly realize that the vastness and depth of the ocean is truly a reflection of who and what we are. 

And if this is truly a reflection of what we are then what is it that we can not become?  Nothing.  And so we can be anything and everything all at the same time that opens us up to all possibiltity and quantumly we become that which we thinketh.  

If so…then the reason why what we decided about Ethan worked so well, is because we decided it to be.  That being said… what else can we decide to be?  Practically anything.  

Which takes us to the next level of understanding.  The importance of resolving and releasing within ourselves what we want and what we dont want so that the world becomes a beautiful reflection of what it is we wish to create.  

Recently, this past weekend I took a small group of people on a journey back to one of my favorite techniques.  Ancestral clearing and forgiveness work.  This work was pioneered by Howard Wills and taken further into popularity through John Newton.  It is simple and magical work that uses forgiveness prayer to resolve and release conflicts from a physical, mental, and emotional level and opening us up to truly be able to choose where and what we would like our lives to be a reflection of going foward.  

We do not remain in abandonment, suffering, victimization or any of the 100’s of maladies that can keep us where we are.  It opens us up to all possibility and the ability to go foward and choose our spirit’s joy in life.  

All the participants in the group class received the prayers and ancestral clearing work and felt the shifts happen, move, release and open them to their own inner ocean of possibility.  

It was truly beautiful to watch.  

We also shared at our monthy reiki share another grounding and clearing meditation that we will again be practicing this evening at our weekly reiki + meditation group.  

My hope is that you continue to grow and expand and become more of your ocean so that we can learn from you and see your reflection that you would like to bring to the world.  

Here are some offerings this week to help you in a way that may be perfect for you.

And always remember, 1:1 sessions are available to help make a greater impact on your growth and personal development towards excelling and becoming one with your spirit.  Contact me today.  

I look foward to hearing from you and all the work you are doing to stay in your authentically spiritually full self.  

I hope to see you soon.

Have a beautiful week.  


Reiki & The Scientific Evidence: Something to think about before Reiki Training this weekend.

There is still room to sign up today. Information is here…

by Ann Linda Baldwin, PhD

People who have given and/or received Reiki know, first hand, how energizing it feels and how one’s worries seem to melt away after a session. However, people who have not experienced, or even heard of Reiki may naturally be more skeptical, and may not want to venture into the unknown. What is really needed is scientific evidence showing exactly what Reiki can do to promote health and wellness. Fortunately, the Center for Reiki Research (CRR) has set up an easily accessible website ( in order to promote people’s scientific awareness of Reiki. This site provides a list of evidence-based research published in peer-reviewed journals along with a critical summary of each study. The list is kept up to date and currently includes 33 studies. The summaries of the studies were produced by carefully analyzing the quality of each study in terms of experimental design, methodology, results, statistics, and conclusions, using a procedure developed by CRR named The Touchstone Process.

The following is a distillation of findings from the more robust of the studies (as scored ‘Very Good’ or ‘Excellent’ by The Touchstone Process in terms of the above criteria) that demonstrate positive physical effects of Reiki.

Probably the most commonly reported benefit of Reiki is that it reduces stress. One of the first places in the body that stress manifests itself is in the heart and circulation. Heart rate and blood pressure both increase during stress and these responses are caused by increased activity of sympathetic nerves in the heart. On the other hand, increased activity of the parasympathetic or vagal nerves causes the heart to relax. Studies have shown that Reiki can reduce the stress response of the heart in both humans and animals. Friedman et al (2010) found that when nurses gave Reiki to 12 patients recovering from acute coronary syndrome, a disease involving blockage of the coronary arteries, the vagal nerves became more active, indicating a relaxation effect, as reflected by changes in the heart rate variability. This was a good sign because medications that enhance vagal nerve activity, such as beta-adrenergic blockers, improve the outcomes of patients with this type of heart disease. So in this case Reiki was having a similar effect as a medicine that is a known effective therapy for heart disease. The increase in vagal nerve activity was statistically significant compared to the results from the groups of patients who listened to meditative music (13 patients) or just received standard care (12 patients). Unfortunately the study did not include a sham Reiki group, in which someone untrained in Reiki mimics the hand-positions of Reiki, and so we do not know whether just touching the patients, without giving Reiki, would have the same effect.

…there is preliminary scientific evidence that Reiki reduces stress, pain, depression and anxiety, and can help mild Alzheimer’s patients to overcome their cognitive impairment to some degree.

Studies of Reiki on animals provide particularly robust data because the animals are all kept under the same controlled conditions and so variations in diet and lifestyle that are present in human studies are eliminated. This means that the results are easier to interpret unambiguously. Baldwin and colleagues (2006, 2008) showed that Reiki, compared with sham Reiki, significantly reduced the physiological effects of stress in rats. In previous experiments, Wilson and Baldwin (1998) discovered that their research rats were stressed by the noisy environment in which they were housed and that the stress was manifesting in the body as shown by cellular damage. Baldwin wondered whether giving the rats Reiki would (i) reduce their stress and (ii) heal the damage, and so she designed experiments to test this hypothesis. In one study (Baldwin et al, 2008), a Reiki practitioner sat in front of each of three cages and sent Reiki to the pair of rats inside each cage for 15 minutes every day for five days. Reiki significantly decreased the mean heart rate of the stressed rats by 6% on average, and sham Reiki had no effect. Neither Reiki nor shamReiki reduced blood pressure. One reason that Reiki reduced heart rate but not blood pressure could be that blood pressure depends on multiple factors, including heart rate, force of contraction of the heart, and the degree of contraction or relaxation of the blood vessels, so Reiki would have to affect all these factors in order for blood pressure to be reduced. It is possible that longer sessions of Reiki may be required to achieve these changes.

In the other study, Baldwin et al (2006), showed that the rats stressed by their noisy environment also had damaged blood vessels in the mesentery, the sheet of tissue that holds the intestine together. The damaged regions in these tiny blood vessels were leaky to a large protein, albumin, in the blood. Normally, albumin is contained in these blood vessels and does not leak out into the tissue. This condition is necessary in order for the correct balance to be obtained between water in the blood and water in the tissue. It is not known exactly how stress causes damage to blood vessels but it is probably linked to activation of nerves in the intestine, leading to release of neurotransmitters that may stimulate immune cells to release toxins. When four rats were given Reiki for 15 minutes a day for three weeks most of the leaks disappeared. Four rats that received sham Reiki also showed some reduction in the number and size of vascular leaks but it was not statistically significant. The experiment was repeated on two other groups of rats and a similar result was obtained. These experiments show that Reiki can work on animals, even rats, to reduce their stress and to heal the cellular damage mediated by the stress.

Another frequently reported benefit of Reiki is that it reduces pain. Vitale and O’Connor (2006) showed that Reiki significantly improved preoperative relaxation and reduced postoperative pain in women undergoing hysterectomies. The 12 women in the Reiki group received a 30-minute treatment immediately before surgery and 24 hours and 48 hours post surgery. The 10 women in the control group received standard care only. There was no sham Reiki group. Data were collected using the State component of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and a visual analog scale for pain measurement. The Reiki group reported significantly less anxiety pre-surgery and significantly less pain 24 hours post-surgery than the control group. Interestingly, the time duration of the surgery was shorter on average for the Reiki group (59 minutes) than the control group (72 minutes).

Chronically ill patients often not only feel pain, but also get depressed. Dressin and Singg (1998) demonstrated a significant reduction in the pain, depression, and anxiety experienced by chronically ill patients with a range of medical conditions who received Reiki compared to sham Reiki (two sessions per week for five weeks). In these experiments there were 12 men and 18 women per group. The men experienced a significantly greater reduction in depression than the women. These beneficial effects were still seen three months after completion of the Reiki treatments. Shore (2004) showed that 30 people needing treatment for mild depression or stress, and who received hands-on Reiki or distance Reiki once a week for six weeks, experienced significant reduction of mild depression and stress and the beneficial effects lasted for at least one year following treatment. The measures used in this experiment were the Beck Depression Inventory, the Beck Hopelessness Scale, and the Perceived Stress Scale. The 15 patients in the sham distance Reiki group who were told they would receive distance Reiki but actually did not, reported no significant change in their depression or stress.

Finally, people who regularly use Reiki often find it helps them think more clearly and improves their problem-solving capabilities. Although no research has yet been published confirming these benefits in healthy people, Crawford et al (2006) demonstrated that four 30-minute Reiki treatments, once a week, significantly improved cognition skills in 12 elderly patients with mild Alzheimer disease or mild cognitive impairment compared to the 12 patients who received no treatment. The measures used in this study were the Annotated Mini-Mental State Examination and the Revised Memory and Behavior Problems Checklist. Once again, the study did not include a sham Reiki group, and so we do not know the role that touch and personal attention played in helping the patients regain some of their cognitive skills.

Overall, although the studies are small and some of them do not address the question of Reiki versus touch, there is preliminary scientific evidence that Reiki reduces stress, pain, depression and anxiety, and can help mild Alzheimer’s patients to overcome their cognitive impairment to some degree. To find out more about these studies, and others, you can visit the CRR website,, or read our review, The Touchstone Process. An Ongoing Critical Review of Reiki in the Scientific Literature (Baldwin et al, 2010).


Baldwin, A.L. and G.E. Schwartz. 2006. Personal interaction with a Reiki practitioner decreases noise-induced microvascular damage in an animal model. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 12(1):15–22.

Baldwin, A.L., C. Wagers, and G.E. Schwartz. 2008. Reiki improves heart rate homeostasis in laboratory rats. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 14 (4):417 – 422.

Baldwin, A.L., A. Vitale, E. Brownell, J. Scicinski, M. Kearns,. and W. Rand. 2010. The Touchstone Process. An Ongoing Critical Review of Reiki in the Scientific Literature. Holistic Nursing Practice 24(5):260 – 276.

Crawford, S. E., V.W. Leaver, and S.D. Mahoney. 2006. Using Reiki to decrease memory and behavior problems in mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzhemier’s Disease. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 12(9):911 – 913.

Dressin, L.J. and S. Singg. 1998. Effects of Reiki on pain and selected affective and personality variables of chronically ill patients. Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine 9(1):53 – 82.

Friedman, R.S.C., M.M. Burg, P. Miles, F. Lee, and R. Lampert. 2010. Effects of Reiki on autonomic activity early after acute coronary syndrome. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 56:995 – 996.

Shore, A. G. 2004. Long term effects of energetic healing on symptoms of psychological depression and self-perceived stress. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 10(3):42 – 48.

Vitale, A.T. and P.C. O’Conner. 2006. The effect of Reiki on pain and anxiety in women with abdominal hysterectomies. Holistic Nursing Practice 20(6):263 – 272.

Wilson, L.M. and A.L. Baldwin. 1998. Effects of environmental stress on the architecture and permeability of the rat mesenteric microvasculature. Microcirculation 5(4):299–308.

Ann Linda Baldwin, PhD. Ann is a Research Professor of Physiology and Psychology at the University of Arizona and is Director of “Mind-Body-Science” ( She obtained her Bachelors degree in Physics from University of Bristol, UK, her Masters degree in Radiation Physics from University of London, UK and her PhD in Physiology from Imperial College, University of London. Her research focuses on the deleterious physiological effects of mental and emotional stress and how these outcomes may be minimized. She is currently exploring the efficacies of Reiki and of Biofeedback techniques in promoting sympatho-vagal balance, as indicated by analysis of heart rate variability, and thereby reducing the damaging effects of stress. She is also testing whether these techniques enhance mental, emotional and physical performance both in Parkinson’s patients and in otherwise healthy individuals.

This article appeared in the Fall 2011 issue of Reiki News Magazine.

You are a Ripple Maker, a Co-Creator, & a Miracle Producer

If each individual could experience their unique purpose and strength coming from the heart, they would finally be able to trust in their own self discovery. If they were allowed to discover this on their own through countless ways of self acceptance, we would collectively shift the world. ~Trancending Limitations (Pegasus Publishers, 2022)

It starts from within… a sensation, an experience of something that wants to transcend something within you. It wants to be released to free us from our own perceived limits and go where you have yet to experience. And how do we just allow this to happen. Why do we struggle? Why does it seem like such a long road to get to where you know is possible which may be undefinable at the time and where you know you are supposed to be. We can not explain why or how or what this is and we can only feel it within the heart ourselves.

How do we do this? We allow intuition to guide us. We allow the heart’s knowing to take us there. It may seem messy or confusing at the times and this is completely normal. We just allow it to keep shifting and transforming us into something bigger and better than ever before. A part of us that is more focused, stronger, and in alignment with our true self.

We can be affected by so many things; the web of work relationships, family members, educational institutions, religious institutions, governments, & societal structures in general.

And when we take ourselves out of the web and begin from within the unraveling of what we have been tied to (literally and figuratively) happens before our very eyes. When this begins it is sometimes a bitter and sometimes a sweet process. New awarenesses drop in and we finally begin to elevate ourselves into a new level of existence that sees all these cohorts we have been intertiwined within from an eagle’s perspective. When this happens our world shifts at a dramatic pace and we simply just need to allow the process to take us there. We are shifting into something bigger and more profound than words can express. It is a feeling, a sensation that only comes from the heart.

It may seem scary at first… because it is a whole new world completely different than anything we have ever been invested in before. And we now TRUST. We TRUST in something bigger than ourselves taking us to the unification with our authentic self. In this process we become stronger physically, mentally, and emotionally. We become the true connectors of the light frquency that is capable of absolutely anything and everything.

This is when the miracle happens and we realise just how powerful we are by simply understanding ourselves. We see the effects of our actions and we see how we can either create or destroy. And within this rebirth we have a choice to do things the way we were intended; in unification with the truth of our own being. As we shall thinketh we shall become. This ripples out into the world. Once eneough of us realise this… and see the fruits of our actions we become ever more still. Realizing that in the stillness and pure being we are able to manifest anything before us and we become incredibly CONSCIOUS of our Oneness. In this connection we CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE to create love and abundance for all because we know that through these simple actions we can collectively shift the world at an extremely fast rate creating the miraculous across the entire planet.


I invite you to experience your heartful POWER beyond words in these upcoming events this weekend and next week.

Join me and the collecitve of ripple makers that are creating heart CONSCIOUSNESS right here ad right now.

Click on pictures for sign ups:

Ch. 13 – Question Everything

In the spirit of sharing love and sharing life and as we enter into another week of shifting and shaping into our new worlds… here is something that hopes to inspire the best in all of us. Enjoy…

From My Book – Transcending Limitations- How to Start Where you are and Create Your New World – Available on Amazon Here

Children are marvelous creatures. They are innately curious, and they question everything. These are two of the most beautiful qualities to have which will remain a part of the New Earth as we continually shift over. We need to pay close attention to our children and follow their lead by their natural instincts which they embrace without fear or effort. If we could set our judgments aside and allow ourselves to observe the children to see how they play together, how they dance, how they sing, and how they innately move through life just being who they are, wherever they are, we would learn how to tune into our own joy again. Our joy lives with the children and they are Wayshowers of true faith and happiness accompanied by spirit-filled living.

Somewhere along the way, this joy became covered up. Limitation and fear set in over the years by the outside world, projecting onto us how we should talk, walk, dress, and live our lives according to our environments. Limitation kept us from our true innate internal connection that is immeasurable from anything outside in the world. Our true self is expanded and connected. Most of us have lost this and become the fear that is embedded in our world.

When we are in a state of fear, we feel contracted, insecure, alone, tight, unsure, restricted, limited, and afraid. We begin to think in statements of “I can’t do that”, “there’s no way”, “that’s impossible”, “they will never understand”, “I will never be able to make that work” and the list can go on and on. We awaken in the moment we notice this is happening. It is in the moment of noticing that we begin to question everything. In the moment ‘limitation’ arises from within is the moment when we must see what we are doing. The years of limitations that we have embraced as our own are coming to the surface and that is the moment we pause. That is when we stop everything we are doing, become aware of what is happening, and begin to awaken.

That is exactly what I had to do repeatedly as I faced a world that believed in limitations for a child with a ‘disability’. Every time we faced someone who wanted to define what Ethan could or could not do, I had to breathe into the moment, become aware of all the sensations that were happening within me, decide how I wanted it defined, and transform the energy into what I believed was possible. Over time, I trained myself to shift the energy patterns that were constantly being presented to us that were based on limitation and heartfully turn them into expanded states of awareness that joyfully responded with questioning that asked, “how can we turn this around and do this differently?” This metamorphosis took a deceivingly limited and confined situation and expanded into limitless potential based on what we heartfully desired for Ethan instead of what the world wanted for him. We became the masters of our reality.

In the moment negative thoughts or beliefs arise, and the limitation has appeared, we turn it around. Every limitation is answered with a ‘why not’ and every negative thought or belief is answered with a ‘canceling’ of that thought. We feel the negativity, we are aware that it is happening, and in that awareness, we shift into a new state of awareness without the limitation, simply by questioning ‘why not?’ We feel them, we name them, and then we allow them to go. Simply, it is allowing ourselves to feel the limitations of our mind, understand they are illusions of the past, accept they have been there for a  long time hiding  in the shadows, and we commit to questioning everything surrounding the limitation.

For example, Ethan, being diagnosed with a medical condition, has been told repeatedly there are certain things he will never be able to do mentally and physically in this current paradigm. With each limiting belief we peeled back the layers in this realm, decided we had a choice to question the current reality showing up and choose to accept what was happening or find another way.

At first, we had some very difficult life-threatening choices to make. We were told that if certain procedures were not done to save his life he would die. So, as parents in fear and wanting our child to survive we put our faith in the hands of the doctors, and he indeed did survive. Grateful as we were in the skills of the professionals, what we failed to see at the time is as we continually only trusted in the doctors, we failed to trust within ourselves. We gave up ourselves, though allowing a predicted outcome to prevail. Naturally, everything they determined would happen based on medical science, did. When he was born, his life was based on survival. We did the things we were told that needed to be done to survive. This was necessary, and it saved his life.  

On the other hand, we were still limited by our own beliefs. You see, if Ethan did not come into this life with the condition that he did, he would have had a completely different birth and a completely different purpose. But he came in with this diagnosis on purpose. It was his purpose to do this, to be this so that we could see that there is always another way. His life has been a product of questioning everything. When they said he would not walk, we asked, “Why not?” We were told exactly ‘why not’ by doctors and other professionals, and we had a choice to make. Believe in the limitation or find another way. We found the other way.

When we were told he needed surgeries to correct and take care of limitations he would always have with his bowels and bladder and kidneys, we asked, “Why?” and they told us ‘why’, all the limitations of ‘why’. I asked the universe, “Why not?” and I was shown because it was what you believe. So, I questioned the belief and chose another way. Never having bowel, bladder, or kidney issues. Ever.

Finally, his shunt, (an instrument surgically implanted in a child to help pump cerebral spinal fluid throughout the body) we were told this would need multiple revisions his entire life and to expect multiple surgeries every year, not to mention a host of other issues related to cognitive functioning. So, what happened? You guessed it… We found another way. Ethan became an anomaly and the kid that was the ‘healthiest’ kid they had ever seen. It didn’t require magic or miraculous prayers reserved for the worthy few. What it took was the courage to question everything along with belief in the miraculous. We were convinced there had to be a better way. We were convinced we could not live our life like a textbook, and we had to do something else. We were convinced we would not become another statistic. We needed another way; their rules were too limiting, too unnatural, too constricting, and too separating from inspired living. The only way that felt better, sensed better, created a more fun and joyful way for us, for Ethan, for our life, was to question “WHY NOT?” and then find another way.

When you question everything, you question the very fabric within you, your family, your lineage, and your ancestors. You question all the thoughts and beliefs within your life that have ever made up your life, and when you do that, it forces you to go within. When you go within, you get to know what you genuinely believe and if you don’t like what you see you get to change it. Every perceived problem has an answer and in this reality, the problem no longer exists because we know that once we see the limitation, the answer already appears. It is that fast, so fast that soon the problems become nonexistent. Or if the ‘problem’ does persist we see it as an opportunity to find another way. When it happens enough, and we see the results of our paying attention we are taken to an entirely new level of understanding and then that new level becomes our floor of existence. It is here that we begin again.

Questioning everything begins with curiosity. It begins with a knowing that this can’t be right because I trust when it does not feel right. It is calling me to notice something is not lining up within myself. Once that happens, you begin opening doors to new ways of thinking which opens doors to new ways of being, which opens doors for all possibilities to drop in.

When you are aware of your own limitations, you have the power to free yourself from the limitation itself. It is here that you realize nothing is holding you back from anything. It was only there to help you see the truth. You are to move higher and higher and continually release boundaries for yourself by questioning everything. As you do this first for yourself it will naturally ripple out and extend to others around you.  They will sense the shift and eventually be inspired to go above and beyond their own perceived ceilings to lift themselves to a new level where their ceiling is now their floor.

You are to keep going, raising yourself higher and higher so that eventually, ceilings don’t exist, and your limitless existence is all there is. That is what childlike questioning allows us to do. It asks, “Why not?” to everything with a curious, joyful, limitless expression that is open to all possibility. This is the true gift of a child. The purpose of a child is to help the adult see what they once believed for themselves.

Lesson 13 — Question Everything

There are no floors, there are no ceilings.

Question everything.

Perceptions can create limitations until we open to our true understanding of whom and what we can become.

We are limitless, childlike, beings, capable of anything.

Show up as Your Truth

When Ethan was born I was stretched into a world that did not exist at the time. It was a world that I had to create. A world of miracles, synchronicities, strength, and an internal knowing that healing is possible. That miracles are the truth and nothing can hold you back from realizing your true purpose and what you came here to become.

23 years ago I began as part of an entourage. An entourage serving the LIGHT. I didnt realize it at the time, there was a group of wayshowers beginning the long journey ahead that you are now reaping the rewards. We were spread across the world, made to begin the long journey, believing we were alone. What we didn’t know is that as we grew stronger in the light, little by little, deeper and deeper in the truth we would one day grow stronger and unite with each other and the world. We are the wayshowers of the light. We lead, guide, and direct people into their loving fearlessness. Where there is will, where there is light, however small it may be, we will find a way to shine.

The book I wrote about my journey through Ethan’s healing, is just a small snap shot of what needed to happen to change the way I viewed the world and what was possible, leading us to the miraculous. I will never stop believing in the purpose. To inspire you to find your own way. We have gifts. Everyone has a contribution to make in this tapestry of golden grid we are making of this world and this universe. If you find it in your hands and can make the words your own… apply them to your own life and watch how your world will unfold into the miraculous like it has for mine and our family. (Book available for purchase here. )

Reiki was always a part of this journey, it’s what led me to believe in the healing power of love. And for that… I am proud to say that new offerings and trainings are just around the corner. Join me at one of these events.

New class at BCY… Reiki + Meditation

Combining Light Body Meditations with the shower of high vibrational loving Reiki energy to attune to higher states of consciousness. Join us!

And if you are looking to unite with Women of Light and connect to the Ancestors of Light through the masters, sages, angels, and priesetesses all around you… join me at this home event at my studio on Winwood. You will not be disapointed.

And of course… come receive a 1:1 session to shift your body and mind out of pain and suffering on any level and into pure energy in motion bliss with the strength capable of rising above all perceived issues. I truly believe.

Lastly, kundalini every Tuesday and Thursday… it teaches you how to ascend and become one with your own light. Truly an amazing practice and a village of tribal support every week.

The gift of sensation takes us to the other side…

We tend to look at our lives through a lens of emotional energy that creates overwhelm and a sense of seperation. This can sometimes further lead to an energy of ‘shut down’ and an unwillingness to become related to the truth of what we really feel. We ‘cut our selves’ off from feelings and sensations because we decide it will hurt too much to ‘go there’. We also tend to do this because if we ‘open ourselves’ back up we may hurt or the fear of pain may be so great we desperately feel we will never make it. We may even have a fear so deep we feel as if we could actually die. This may seem extreme and it often feels this extreme for many of us.

This is an aspect of trauma. It can be a specific event of trauma that happened many years ago, let’s say when we were a child, or it can be trauma that has built up over time from one disappointment to the next. These traumas can be the root cause as to why we make unconscious life choices. These life choices end up leading us down a path that may or may not be a part of our highest potential. We may keep subconsciously going on this path thinking we are doing what needs to be done just to get to where we think we may want to be only to realise when we get there that it is not what we really wanted. Yet still, we keep trying and keep finding the way we always did things before just doesn’t work anymore. No matter how many times we try and no matter what we do it just feels as though we are spinning our wheels.

Most of the time, this is because we are trying to solve the problem with the mind that created the problem in the first place. This just doesnt work.

Meaning, we have been conditioned to believe we can solve our lives like we solve an equation. If I keep doing things in the way it has always been done then it will eventually change. And it just doesn’t. No matter how many times we try and no matter how many ways we apporach this situation we get nothing accomplished. Repeatedly, we find ourselves in the same issues with the same people and our ‘play’ we have created. It simply no longer works because we are trying to solve something with the mind that thinks we have to figure it out.

We can keep approaching these situations in the way we have always done and we can keep coming up frustrated. Until we decide to do things differently. Except it is not that easy to decide with the mind when we are trapped in lower emotional patterns. Many of us either blame ourselves or the outside world for our problems. This is the very reason why we remain trapped and unable to move foward. It’s one of the many reasons why we don’t reach our goals or never seem to ascend to the next level in our lives.

We are not meant to stay where we are and nor are we supposed to keep spinning our wheels. We are meant to shift, grow, sense, shed, and become more. It’s a cycle of birth, living, death and rebirth that is supposed to help us keep going, moving higher and higher into stages of elevation that can be blissful and effortless if we allow it to be.

Unfortunately, many of us become stuck in the overwhelm feeling defeated and not good enough thinking and believing we have failed. When in actuality we only need to move to the other side through sensation. What we think is a problem remains a problem because our minds created a problem based off of stored lower emotions forgetting to tune back into our hearts to sense and feel what is truly happening.

When we open up to sensing and feeling and allow the body to speak we finally bubble up the stored fears and lower emotions unconsciously navigating our life. Our stored lower emotional energy was keeping us in a perpetual motion of loop experiences keeping us where we are. Recreating the same experiences until we finally allow the gift through sensation to break us through to the other side.

When we stop, sense, and feel into a moment we finally allow this congestion to move and transform and finally release. What we were doing with the mind wasn’t working because it was stored energy fragmenting our lives and creating chaos. We just need to clean it up by being in the experience, breathing into it, and allowing the stored energy pattern to dissolve. Thus we can then move into new expereinces unlike anything we have ever experienced. Every times we move these lower emotional patterns and shift the energy within ourselves and all aound us we re-position our lives, opening up to more possibility. In the moment we allow this, we become the opportunity and new awarenesses drop in.

There is no need to remain trapped in the stories and dramas of life and our life frees to a new level of expereineces unlike anything we could ever imagine with our minds.

This is the beauty of the heart consicousness that allows us to break free from lower emotions and move us to the other side into elation.

As we go through our next portal in our lives, through the fall equinox allow this perspective to be your new framework navigating your life. Here are some ways to cultivate and enhance this aspect.

Services to take you to the other side:

The Fall Equinox – A time of the Cosmic Mother & Our Divine Truth

On Friday, September 22nd into Saturday, September 23rd we mark the transition from the longest day of the year into the gradual progression towards the shortest day of the year. The fall equinox is upon us. The significance of this moment… at precisely 1:50am central time on Saturday the 23rd we are presented with equal day hours and equal night time hours across the globe as the sun crosses the earth’s equator from north to south. It is a point in our global community where we can bring in global balance. During this time there is an opportunity to shift our own consciousness and spiritually merge into our own personal truth. Meaning, our previous goals and aspirations are now harvested and we are preparing to be taken to the next level of our alignment, whatever we may determine that to be.

It is an opportunity to recognize our accomplishments and remain in sincere gratitude for the help of the universe bringing us closer to our desires. It is a time to pause, give thanks, and begin to contemplate our next cycle of celestial rebirthing. We celebrate our prosperity as we begin to nourish the next cycle of development beginning to unfold before us. As we begin the descent into the darker months we honor and internally nurture the next phase of our goals by continuing to refine and strengthen our talents. It is truly a sacred time.

This is the significance of merging with the Cosmic Mother and the opportunities before us calling us to unite with our Divine Sovereign Truth.

As we acknowledge and harvest we also begin directing our intentions. We refine and enhance our personal alchemical process.

The darker months unite us with the cosmic mother, the womb of creation. We enter into the next phase of comfort and reassurance as we reaffirm we are on the right path. Summer moved us into a grander vision as we spread our wings and either learned to fly or elevated our skills into acrobatic miraculous measures. We have gained an undeniable understanding of who we are and what we desire to bring forth during this next phase of internal growth and nourishment.

We realize we are capable of extending ourselves further than ever before and we desire to continue to diligently work on the next phase of our expressions of truth. We faithfully begin to enter into the rebirthing womb of the cosmic mother. We intend to cultivate our desires by allowing time to refine creative projects and develop new aspirations as we merge closer to our soul’s purpose and spirit’s joy. We set our heart’s intentions forward on the next 6 months knowing that as we envision our future in this NOW moment, all will come into fruition as we prepare our rebirthing in the Spring – the emergence of the Cosmic Father.

This is truly a time of refined learning, more tuning within, and deeper understanding of our truth.

We ready ourselves for the next journey by honoring where we are and envisioning what else will come. We walk side by side with our highest potential and holding sacred our divine sovereign soul’s purpose and spirit’s joy.

A sacred time indeed.

In honor of this time…. i invite you to a sacred ceremony.


This is a two hour evening dedicated to honoring the divinity within through sacred ceremony and activation meditations.

The unified chakras, light body consciousness, and active manifestation processes will be some of the evening content.

It is my goal to honor how far you have come and help you learn how to activate and enhance the next 6 months of the sacred time of darkness as we enter upon the womb of the cosmic mother. An inspiring opportunity to move consciously into the next 6 months of our highest potential.

Join me as we step into this next divine phase.

Then if it feels right and good for you… I encourage you to continue to…



The Sandwich Connection – Rebirth your life in 6 weeks and actively manifest for the next 6 months.

The Sandwich Connection will begin on September 25th marking the next 6 month process with 6 weeks of coaching & learning how to incorporate ritual and divine sovereign techniques into your day while enhancing the highest potential possible and infusing spiritual concepts. This course defines your goals for the next 6 months and accelerates your manifestation process by zoning in on your soul’s purpose and spirit’s joy in 6 main areas of life; Career/Purpose, family, relationships, health, spirit, and prosperity. Thereby enhancing your ability to manifest your exact goals and desires for this next 6 months of the rebirthing process.

Take advantage of this sacred time of year and learn how to allow the sacred course of the cycles of the universe can help you elevate and enhance your time here on Earth. Click on the links today to sign up for your spot. More website information here.

The Cosmic Mother Friday, September 22th – IN PERSON

The Sandwich Connection – 6 week course beginning Monday, September 25th – REMOTE

Reiki & the Miraculous

Reiki is universal life force energy beginning to be understood by the general public. I like to think of reiki as a direct connection to Consiousness with a capital ‘C’. It is universal life force energy that has the capacity to upgrade our energy to greater versions of ourselves that can be tuned into and tapped into miracles. I discovered this about 20 years ago and it keeps me humbled today.

I wrote about “Why I do Reiki” in a recent blog where I briefly spoke about many of the reasons I find Reiki an asset to almost any practice. It is NOT an alternative therapy and it IS complimentary to many of the day to day activities we already engage. Reiki has been a part of me for so long that it just is in everything I do. From therapy related roles, to being a parent, cleaning my own house, to consulting with businesses, to workshops, and life changing programs I offer on a regular basis. It is infused in everything.

I am attaching an article on the scientific ‘normalcy’ of Reiki and how it is studied and proven to shift energy which creates a more neutral / zero point balance within people, places, and things allowing for healing and accelerated shifts in consciousness (little ‘c’ on purpose) to higher more connected states of awareness and a return back to Consciousness itself (capital ‘C’ on purpose). Understand? (wink, wink)

I also want to invite you to learn Reiki with me. I’m teaching at Black Cat Yoga in Libertyville, IL this coming Friday thru Sunday and again in October (links here). AND I am extending this really great possibility IF you would like to learn but scheduling and distance is a problem… we can learn REIKI REMOTELY!

Because energy has no bounds and I perform services online all the time with energy clearing and reiki sessions the possibility of learning reiki and feeling and personally embodying the energy IS absolutely what we CAN do.

As for now… please enjoy this brief and thorough article on The Science Behind Reiki.

