People are Innately Good

It’s just about March.  This time last year we entered a new phase of iconic development within our lives.  Most of the world went into a ‘lockdown’ and a collaborative effort to bring people to a severe halt that would last longer than anyone had comprehended.  This shut down that has been met with mixed conflict and tumultuous behaviors in our society all over the United States has left most people feeling like we are living in the in between.  Many people have been suffering, jobs taken away, and severe losses of all kinds.  The amount of forced oppressive conditioning has been debilitating to so many people in countless ways.  There is healing that needs to be done and truth that will continue to be revealed to help our communities come to a higher way of living.  The unraveling of the old ways are necessary for the new age coming on the horizon.  This does not mean we need to go through anxiety, depression, or fear-based thinking to get to where we are going.  Rather, accepting where we are and truly walking into a new understanding of what is happening is necessary to rise above the perceived dogma.  The pain that is happening is not to be overlooked but embraced as finally needing to be looked at and reveal the truth of our current situation as well as how this unraveling is necessary for where we are going.  

In addition, a different perception is needed at this time.  We have come to the forefront of change.  Change is the only constant we have.  It is a necessary process of transformation that will not allow out-dated belief systems to continue.  There is an abundance out there waiting for all of us as we wake up to what is truly going on.  It is going to take some time and it will remain hidden for a while until the masses wake up.  Until they want to truly see and seek the truth.  In the meantime, if you are reading this it is because you are being called to rise to a resilient way of being and thinking that is not new it only has been pushed aside for too long.  It is time. 

There must come a time for each of us for a new forefront of opportunity to occur.  We must see with fresh eyes how we can take current issues that are happening and shift ourselves into opportunistic thinking that will shift our world into higher states of living.  Where there is change, there is opportunity for elevated transformation to occur.  I truly believe this.  I am not overlooking the pain or suffering, and in actuality I am agreeing that sometimes the pain and suffering is necessary in order to know how to transcend all the darkness.  Humans are more resilient and amazing than we could have ever perceived.  It’s only through our accepted faults that we can forgive and rise above to begin anew. 

Over the years, quietly, I have lived this transformation.  It was dark and lonely for a very long time.  It was extremely difficult to understand how we could get to this point and how could we all be thinking and being in such an oppressed world.  After all, I always thought we lived in the land of the free.  And yet, so many things never made sense to me.  For example, how could we be told that nothing is impossible when I felt as though so many barriers were put in my way and my children’s way that came up against the freedom of expression and elevated thinking that we were taught to believe.  As I opened the doors to a different reality that was happening all around us, I came to understand that we were being fed a fantasy land filled with empty promises that you were allowed to believe just as long as you remained in control by a limited few.  As I discovered more and more about the reality and the gravity of what was happening, I pressed on harder and deeper to see where the rabbit hole would end. With each new and elevated discovery made I was met with resistance from those who wished to remain in power.  And every time I showed them there was another way, I was pushed back with a ‘pat on the back’ and a smile saying ‘that’s nice’ showing me the door.  To them my discoveries were just my own, an anomaly, so to speak and nothing more.  There was no scientific proof of my findings, only a miracle mindset that was not good enough for the masses.  It was as if the healing miraculous discoveries I was making of enlightened ways of being on this path of “NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE” were purposefully dismissed.  Professionals and authority figures in all corners were simply content with the way things were and the money they gained in return for their ‘normal’ that had been created on a society that was living amongst a false system.  A foundation built on a belief system that kept us where we are, had no desire to see there was another way.  People were being kept where they were, relentlessly on a hamster wheel of life, and unwilling to question how ‘wrong’ we may have gotten this all in the first place.  And, throughout the years I have come to understand that only a few will see at first and the rest will come when they are fed up with their current reality and ready to move on.

For that, I was pushed in the direction of alternative means because it was the only way I could follow my dreams.  I embraced the deep-rooted beliefs in the power of the human spirit to become and rise above everything as sincere truth.  This was not just found in movie scripts, plays, or fantasy stories.  It was what I was living on all levels of my existence.  I just had no idea how much effort and time it would take to come to the point where I could share this with the world.  So, I learned and created and consistently pressed on.  Quietly, I sought out the answers, I dispelled belief and myth after myth and came to know the truth of this amazing world we live in.  Now, it is time to share. 

There is an age of enlightenment on the horizon.  We are getting there.  It will take some time.  Remember, we need to wake up to the truth of who we are to come to the knowing of what we can do.  Some of us are… and you can tell who they are… they are the one’s who walk through life with compassion, understanding, and a strong insatiable wonderful knowing of what life has to offer.  They understand that through the fires there is phoenix rising from the ashes.  They have beauty within and around them, there is a sparkle in their eyes and a demeanor of peaceful leadership.  Many of these people have been through their own fires in life and understand what we are all going through right now.  They are the Wayshowers, that hold the truth, they have strength and the confidence in an elevated way of being.  They possess a ‘knowing’ beyond reason that something amazing and elevated is coming from all the turmoil and chaos that is unfolding everywhere we turn.  They know that there is a secret and steady light that is infiltrating the country and the world.  This light will bring purpose and love to every human being that decides that there is indeed another way.  They see beyond the veils and the illusions that are pervasively persevering and they continue to press on dismantling the darkness knowing there is another way. 

What do we need to learn from all of this?  A lot.  People are innately good.  They are.  As a population we need to see the good in others.  We need to see their faults, the injustices, and failures as a cry out for healing and no matter how much corruption they created we are to help them anyway.  Despite the rhetoric, the lies and deception, we need to see there is goodness in there… they are merely reflecting a mirror of healing needing to happen for us all.  We have a lot of work to do… and the work need not be difficult, lonely, or hard.  We merely need to reach out, find each other and lend a hand.  We need each other, we need to hold our hands together, to lift each other up, and truly embrace each other physically and metaphorically.  We must be in charge of our bodies and minds and we must allow our spirit’s to do our soul’s work.  We have much work to do… and as always… I always say this… “We must start from where we are.” 

If we innately know our own goodness and how incredible we are from within we can take the gifts that we have been given to spread amongst the world and use them in an elevated way to plant seeds of change and grow love.  We cannot do this in untilled and weed filled soil.  We must dig deep and learn to become ourselves…we must become new again.  What was done before… doesn’t work anymore so we must be honest with ourselves and see what really is going on. 

We need each other, we need to know ourselves, we need to truly know where we are.  We need the real us to emerge.  I can’t be more of me without you being more of you.  I can’t spread light unless I can feel sense and know the light that is already shining within me.  I can’t plant seeds of goodness unless I believe that the goodness will come.  I can’t do any of this unless I first seek knowledge from within. I need to know who I am.

Many of us don’t even know what that is.  It has been covered up pushed down and hidden from us for a very long time.  But I promise you that it is buried in there for a reason.  Because the earth has a way of transforming a stone with enough pressure to a diamond that has always been waiting to emerge and be discovered for the first time again. 

That is how I see you now.  That’s how I see what is truly going on.  I see people, in all forms as amazing, and doing the best that they can.  I was scared before.  Because I had been mocked, told I was wrong and scrutinized for thinking differently.  And after awhile, after the pain wore off, it just doesn’t work anymore.  It was a pile of lies and dirt that covered my true light.  And now I know…. Those piles of dirt were just waiting for me to go in there and see what was burning true all this time… a golden stone emerging.  I now know…people are good…no matter what. We are doing and being good in the world.  I believe in you and I believe in humanity…. Let’s keep discovering our true self.  Let’s start where we are. 

All my love,


Jennifer lives in the USA and loves to blog about transformation and self healing.  She offers transformational healing classes in many energy areas all year long.  She is an ordained minister, occupational therapist, reiki master, and teacher of energetic therapies.  She runs, weight lifts, gardens, reads, cooks, bakes, plays, learns, teaches, and enjoys life.  Life is always about ‘starting where we are’.

MARCH CLASSES (click the links to learn more)

28 Days to Conscious Intuitive Living – Miraculous Living

Week 4 Day 7 – See everything as if it were the first time again.  Miraculous living.

As I write this last lesson, I see how I have also shifted equally because of the consciousness that went into every word that came forth these past 28 days.  It is a gift and a pleasure to be a part of this process.   All that we have practiced and all that we have become is a new way of living.  We are seeing everything in life for the very first time again.  Through completion of these 28 days, we have emerged into a high vibrational state that returns child-like trust and wonder.  Everything is new and we are seeing for the very first time.  We have returned home to our soul’s purpose and our spirit’s joy. 

There are 1000 ways to see a willow tree and every time we turn to look at one there is something new and alive in the perspective that is mirroring back at us.  We become a part of the mystery and the miraculous and we finally KNOW we are the mystery and miraculous. 

Every day activities have become a source of connection and meditation.  Wonders are present in all our experiences.  Simple miracles we may have overlooked before now supersede our sub-conscious and become prevalent experiences.  We are in awe with ourselves and the world.  The idea that we have 26 bones in the foot working cohesively together to twist and turn in a way that propels us forward becomes a living representation of the awe-inspiring possibilities of life.  We make connections and we learn to work cohesively with ourselves and collaboratively with each other no matter what our differences may bring.  We see the amazing tapestry that is being woven without controlling the way we think it should be.  Breathing is miraculous, relationships are miraculous, creating is miraculous.  Being ourselves is miraculous.  We find the sacred in every person, place, and thing.  Nothing is without the marvel of our soul’s purpose.  We are our spirit’s joy.  We have found the presents in the presence of life. 

Why is creativity and intuitive inspiration so important?  If it were not for Thomas Edison’s fascination with life, he would not have invented the light bulb.  If he were not consumed with the same intuitive consciousness that we speak about in these lessons we may be sitting in the dark longer than anticipated.  All that is required is one conscious being filled with an illuminated and intuitive spirit to shift the unconscious of the whole.  All it takes is complete marveling and embodied being in the moment to come up with miraculous solutions to troubled diseases and the most complex medical issues out there.  It only takes one intuitive spirit to inspire the lives of a generation to the idea of “When you know better, you do better.”  It only takes an awakening of one to help release and resolve for an entire lineage of ancestors that have been trying to do this for lifetimes and generations.  It all begins with you. 

These past 28 days you have consciously awoken to the sensations of your body, to the true beliefs of your soul, and embodied the sleeping 6th sense within each of us.  The same energy that made Albert Einstein an incredible inventor, scientist, and teacher is the same wonder that resides in us all.  We are not separate, and we all come from the same consciousness.  They were merely able to access more of this consciousness that is available to all.  It is through this awakening that we open to this realization and find opportunity beckoning around every corner. 

Today and every day going forward know that a new day has arrived.  You are completely unlike the day before.  You are never the same being and the world is changing every day in every moment.  This is the miracle.

See the world through the child’s eyes and express your wonder and amazement in every experience.  From the board meeting to the art easel; from rush hour traffic to the symphonic music of an orchestra; from learning the periodic table to eating an incredibly flavorful piece of chocolate cake; from marveling at a newborn baby to sleeping in your bed once more.  Every experience, every interaction, everything that you meet and have the opportunity to be near, be the consciousness that you have now embraced.  See the people, see the energy around them and within them and look into their eyes.  The soul resides in the eyes and it is where we are all connected.  Look into them and see your brothers and your sisters and feel the connection around all of you.  See the plants and the animals, feel them, and commune with the life giving and expansive energy available to all. 

See with your new eyes from this day forward and expand in every possible moment. Through your continued expansion you give others permission to expand themselves.  Through your light you allow others to shine theirs.  In this new state of expanded awareness, we commune and connect, and we realize the value of individuals obtaining the highest form of self is beneficial for all.  Our individuality defines our communal expression as an expression of the Source of Consciousness that we share.  We delight in our own expansion and that of another’s. Awakening is welcomed and we respect those who still enjoy the slumbering.  

When we have moments of regret or ‘not so fun feelings’ allow them to become the opportunities you have learned them to be.  See what is truly at the root of these experiences.  See what may be bubbling up and see if you can sense a way to commune with your past by being present in this new state of being.   Be in what is happening.  Be in what you are sensing.  You may be presently connecting to a past moment in time that may be filled with the theme, “If I had known better, I would have done better” and making peace for that moment by simply being aware in your new state of conscious awareness.  The past is instantaneously healed and reconciled when we are present to these truths.  When we merge with consciousness, we intuitively feel the past shifting and ourselves reintegrating with the parts of ourselves that were left behind.  This is where energy comes from. This is the reintegration we have been seeking into our present form in the moment that it is happening.  The understanding that we rise above situations like a resurrection means that we have taken everything that we have learned and fully embodied through understanding the power of conscious miraculous living.  The resurrection encompasses the wholeness that is the truth within us all. 

Through presence, the pieces to our puzzle fall into place.  Through the power of the conscious spoken word the miracles line up.  Sometimes it may seem like a struggle to find the correct puzzle piece.  It may take some time.  And when we stop and become the moment, we let go into the shift, where all is possible.  This allows us to enter expansion instead of contraction.  We open to powerful in-joy moments and no longer suffer.  We can be full of laughter, games, and childlike wonder even in a difficult situation. 

The Australian famous Sydney Opera House was created through mere opening into playfulness.  It was the shear act of peeling an orange and gazing at the pieces of orange rind laying on the table that the architect became inspired to create one of the most famous places on the planet.  The work needed to be done to bring this into physical form and the idea came from the formlessness thoughts that were inspired by the creative joy of an orange. 

This is how creation happens.  This is how intuition drops in.  It begins from the formless, asks a question, and the higher vibration of creativity brings in a thought form or vision of a possibility.  This possibility needs the mind to create the scientific means for constructing on a physical plane.  But the origination of form comes from thought, which begins with nothing, which is consciousness.  When we are open and in an intuitive state, we simply allow the inspiration for the ideas to come through and thus they seemingly drop in as inspiration (in-spirit-ation).  This happens as we learn to get out of the way and begin to play.  As we joyfully embody awareness, we become one.  The experience speaks for itself.  Once it happens, you know, and the expectation and anticipation of it happening more and more elevates.  It first begins with self-awareness and allowing time every day to get closer to this place of nothingness where anything is possible.  As we empty ourselves of concrete beliefs and ideas of the way things should be, we become something greater than anything we could dream up with our own minds.   We all began as formlessness that is where we shall return.   

For the next chapter of your life, use the techniques provided the last 28 days to keep you in the flow of creative, inspired, and intuitive living.  Reuse the lessons and listen to them as many times as needed.  Invite groups to explore these ideas and find ways to include people on your path.  Wherever two or more have gathered miracles happen.  Consciousness happens, we enliven, and we wake up to an unrestricted way of living. 

When something is weighing you down remember the techniques and pull them out… laugh, listen, feel, and sense with every cell in your being nature.  Be. 

Allow yourself to continue to expand the knowing that the monster under the bed after all these years was just a matrix of illusions trapping you in fear.  Allow yourself to sense and embody the stillness within you in every moment.  Allow yourself to intuit that you are always connected and that the formless is the beginning of creation. Allow yourself to notice when to shift gears in your life and trust your instinct.  Allow yourself to lead, guide and direct from that higher consciousness that is tuned in and tapped into the triad of knowing and being that comes from mind, body, and spirit consciousness.  Allow yourself the time to continue growing and expanding in all the many dozens of ways we listed out in all these lessons.  Allow yourself to just pick a random lesson and use it every day.  Allow yourself the comfort of knowing that we are not the victims of our past and the present moment is what connects us to all possibility.  Allow yourself to pass on your wisdom by simple connections and being present in every interaction and relationship.  How do we know we have mastered the Art of Conscious Intuitive Living?  When we are aware in every moment and lead our lives through this awareness ourselves.  Consciousness is happening and more and more beings are living up to their resourceful and soul purpose potential through the simpler acts of living and reconnecting to their authentic self.  Be your powerful self.

28 days of Conscious Intuitive Living is loaded with lessons and concepts that are geared towards one purpose…living a sacred life that is powerfully and authentically yours.  See life for the first time again.   See the miraculous happening all around and open to this new way of living that is meant to be yours always in all ways. 









Be the path. 

Today’s Mantra: 

I Am

I Am

I Am

*Are you interested in joining 28 Days of Conscious Intuitive Living?  Please send me an email with more questions and go to this link for more information.  We begin on February 1, 2021 (2.1.2021).