Keep Going… raise yourself higher and higher. Seek to raise your vibration constantly and consistently. Even when you seem to have reached your ceiling… press on. Raise yourself so high that ceilings no longer exist and your limitless existence is all there is & as you do… remember this… In order to be the light that shines brightly you need to recognize your own light from within.

As we move into spring time… allow your rebirth to launch you into a new phase of your limitless life. Allow the universe to expand and show you where to go next.

Here are some offerings to help with expansion:

Meditation groups to inspire your best life. 1 of 3 locations

Wauconda Monthly every 3rd Monday – 3/20, 4/17 & 5/22

Monthly every 3rd Monday in person

Antioch 3/27, 4/10, 4/24, 5/8 & 5/22 (Monthly on 2nd & 4th Monday)

Antioch Trillium Yoga Monthly 2nd & 4th Mondays

Lunch hour energy clearings and meditations to manifest your best self – Zoom on Tuesdays beginning April 4th 11:30am-12:30pm.

Reiki classes to harness intuition and channel life force energy. Bring more balance, integration, and consciousness into your daily life. Black Cat Yoga Libertyville

Reiki 1 April 18 & 19 – 6-9pm

Reiki 2 (must have reiki 1 certificate) April 29th

Kundalini Yoga for self growth and prosperity consciousness in all areas of life. 6 weeks of the prosperity consciousness series. Master your breath, move the body, manifest your highest self.

As always Individualized Energy Healing Sessions provide clear guidance and energy healing for rapid transformation & expansion along your journey. Remote or in person (Lake County Areas)


The Heart – True Love 

Lesson 4 – The Heart – Love (From “Transcending Limitation-How to Start Where You Are & Transcend Limitation”)

What is the heart?  The center of creation.  This is where it is at…all of it…all of what?  You may ask. Everything and nothing all at the same time.  Every ‘good’ thought, every ‘bad’ thought – everything and nothing.  Meaning, its all there.  And it is all not there too.  Meaning, everything we have stored there that has been made by the external truth is there waiting to be uncovered and released into the nothingness that it is that it came from.  Meaning, every challenge, every idea, every philosophy, every happy thought, and every difficulty all came from there.  If we/you/or I could just tune back into the heart then we could see – everything is an illusion, even the happy ones.  And when we can tune into everything as an illusion it means we can drop in even further to all acceptance.  And when we drop in even deeper to all acceptance we can sense and feel and know it is all taken care of in new and more beautiful ways all on its own and all because we never left.  We were right here and surrounded by it all – all the time – all space and time and dimension – it was always here – all Love. 

Love is Patient
Love is Kind…
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not paid.  It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrong.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails.  (Adapted from 1 Corinthians 13:1)

If this is truth, which it is – then – love can do anything, and nothing is impossible to love.  If we are love…then nothing is impossible to us.  What stands in the way of us knowing this is ourselves.  Meaning…we can do anything…anything.  Everything is possible because we are love.  Meaning – anytime there is something that happens, something you feel or sense, something you hear or see that brings up anything less than love like anger, hatred, rage, fear, etc. you breath into it…allow it to spiral out of you…whatever it is.  Because it is not you…love is all you are. 

All illusions will release, all insecurities will filter out, and all impossibilities will cease to exist.  Because we can choose our creations through our awareness.  This is why meditation, centering, and heartful practices centering us in the body are critical to a loving and joyful life because they create the space we need in order to tune in, drop in, and deeply sense feel and know in the midst of chaos at all times.  It might be chaos out there or chaos in here – either way it is all the same.  We must drop in – be with ourselves, sense, feel and know the chaos so that we can know true love.  There is no other way around.  There is only one way through – it is through the fires, and this is where our spirits ascend as the rising above.  This only happens through complete experience of the oneness that already exists within you. 

This is the key you have been waiting for, it is your life work waiting for you to turn the key.  Now open the door and walk through.  You must begin where you are.  And with everything that comes up you connect with love and send it back to the nothingness that it came from which is everything.  This is your work, this is your way, therefore you came here…to experience and be love…that’s all there is anyway, so let’s begin.  Over and over again…that’s all we do.  Begin again and again and again until we always know in all ways that love is all we are.  This is the circle of life.

The Shaman and The Lightworker –  This Saturday Morning, October 2nd – A transcending journey in the woods and onto the beach.  Come with an open heart ready to resolve and release and learn how to create the miraculous in your life.  More here… 

October 17th – The Sandwich Connection For Athletes – 3-6pm
What does a sandwich have to do with teenage athletes?  Everything!  IntuitLove is teaming up with More Guts More Glory Coaching for a 3 Hour retreat specifically designed for teenage women athletes to empower and enhance their game on and off the field.  We are empowering these young women to become the masters of their own life through a specifically designed SANDWICH program that will help them be on purpose with their lives and become their highest potential. See more here and SIGN UP YOUR DAUGHTER TODAY… Limited spots are left.  

Personal 1:1 Energy Clearing Sessionsmeant to Transcend all limitations in thoughts and belief systems which effect the physical, emotional, and mental fields… helping in all areas of life.  
Schedule a personal session with me and we will dive into rising above the perceived mountains in your way… even if you don’t know where to begin or how to get there… we will figure that out together and get you where you want to be.  
MORE HERE & CONTACT ME to schedule today.  

Living in Light without Fear

This past Thursday I drove from Chicago to South Carolina.  I ventured with my daughter who plays for an upper level hockey team.  It was about an 11 hour drive.  We took our time and stopped at many rest stops and gas stations along the way.  We travel often and we enjoy getting away to other places to experience life.  Travel tends to feed the soul and help renew our spirits.  We began traveling with my oldest son who competes across the world in para athletic sports.  Much of that has been put on hold these days because of the current ideas about a ‘virus’ living in our world.  I will not refer to this as anything but a possible virus, ever.  I have my reasons.  This is not what this story is about. 

I do miss traveling and feeling the freedom of going across the country learning of all the amazing places there are to experience.  We have such a marvelous world.  This past long weekend’s adventure was a bit complex.  We had to deal with wearing things on our face.  I won’t speak about what those things are called either because to me that gives them power.  What I will tell you is that I completely decided to stop wearing one, for other reasons.  What I did do… is I decided to live again. 

I put away all the fears, accessed my ‘light force’, and began living life without anything on my face.  I believe, and my training believes…I am an ordained minister… that the light of consciousness shines within each individual to see fully who they are.  Something on the face, keeps us from seeing the person and hides them from the true self.  I could not contribute to hiding or fear anymore.  So, I simply stopped.  And what I realized… that every time I went somewhere, whether it was a grocery store, convenience store, gas station, restaurant, hotel, retail stores, is that everyone wants to be seen too.  I could smile at them, and they could see me.  I could peacefully talk with them and they could hear me.  I could laugh with them and they could laugh too.  By the end of the trip, through me not wearing anything on my face, more and more people began taking their things off too.  It was surprisingly delightful and such a nice way to breathe with people together.  It was pleasant and effortless. 

No one asked me to put something on my face.  Believe me, if they did, I was prepared.  Even the stores and athletic facilities with large signs stating that something on the face is mandatory.  They didn’t ask.  Many people looked at me, probably wondering, and I just carried on and smiled back at them and said hello.  It was very nice.  No one backed away from me, and no one asked me to stay away from them.  Mid way through the weekend, my daughter joined me and began to bring back her own internal awareness and confidence too.  I am glad she did. 

I did do something that has led me to the connection of why I am sharing this with you.  I am not here to demand or shake things up.  I am here to live from a centered place of wisdom and truth, in my heart.  One of the ways I do this, is connecting with my ‘light force’ and learning about how I can take care of my own energy and potentially heal my body.  I always ask my ‘light force’ to join me and to help me through everything that I come across.  Maybe that is why I can quietly drive across several states and patron many establishments without being persecuted for not following a rule.  Maybe this is why I am able to get so many things accomplished with my children and family that seem miraculous in nature.  I am not normal on purpose.  My family is not normal.  We my ‘look’ normal and we are not.  I have kids who meditate, ask for their light forces to help them, and believe in everything is possible and work for it.  I am proud.  I would like to teach you how we do it. 

I have a master teacher who taught me 20 years ago.  She spent the time with me and mentored me.  They just handed me ‘the light’.  I am forever grateful.  Now it is time for me to do the same for others.  Which is why I am bringing these two amazing classes to the forefront.  It’s important for others to know how miracles are everyday occurrences and how we can make this our life. 

Currently, I have more miracles happening than ever before.  I have more fear that is releasing from me than ever before and I have more heart openings that are happening for me than ever before.  It’s time for me to share the miraculous light force we all have and how we can heal.  Please join me. 

All my love,
PS… all classes can be accessed on zoom… if that is how you choose. 

The Healing Angels of our Beautiful Energy Field
Why don’t we reach out and ask for more help?
They are a part of our power and they are here to help us, and they want to bring you closer to knowing who they are and what possibilities they have in your life to create miracles.

Miracles are incredibly common. 
Miracles happen in every moment of our lives. 
Miracles are normal.
We need to shift our consciousness to this KNOWING. 
Miracles are Knowing and Knowing is Gnostic and Gnostic is Personal Power.
You are Miraculous.
Your awareness is Gnostic.
You are incredibly Powerful.

Who are the Healing Energies of the Energy Field?
How do they work with us? &
What is their purpose?
How can we integrate them into our daily practice, our healing practice, and our ability to elevate and shift the unconscious which shifts the world… we explore and answer all of these questions…

3 weeks – 9 Angels        9am-11:30ish (may run closer to noon)   
Feb 20, 27, & March 6th                      Saturdays

Their Healing Gifts & The Physical, Mental, & Emotional Areas they help us with.
How to invite Angels to help, how to connect, and how to ask. 
Experiencing an Angelic Presence.
Empowering yourself through Discernment.
All participants receive handouts on the angels.


28 Days of Becoming Conscious & Intuitive Beings – Began and Continuing through the month

The Out of Body Chakras & Auric Layers – Thursday Evenings February 11, 18, & 25th (see below)

The Healing Angels of our Energy Field -Feb. 20, 27. & March 6   
(See above)

Meridians – The Power to Transform Your Body -Feb 19, 26 & March 5 (see below)

Axiatonal Alignment Activation Class -Feb. 21st   (see below)


The Wayshower

I believe in you.  I believe you are ready to lead, guide, and direct and be lead guided and directed by what your spirit is asking you to joyfully step into.  I know you are a wayshower… this is for you….
The Wayshower
You are a ‘Wayshower’.  What does this mean?  It means you see the way home before anyone else sees it for themselves.  It means that the things that happen on the outside are always seen as opportunities for shifting beyond our current levels of reality.  It means that as we continue this path of elevation you already know and see us all there and every step you take is a journey in that direction.  You feel, know, and understand with your own body that we are shifting over to a new more abundant and loving paradigm that is more connected and all encompassing than ever before.  People are waking up in large masses.  People are discovering the truth of who we are.  You have done the work to get to this point in your life where you have the capabilities to show others there is another way and that is what you do. 

A Wayshower sees community in collaboration working for the good of all.  Understanding, that the investment in another is way more valuable than any monetary means.  A Wayshower delights in abundance, creativity, joy and fun and loves sharing this with others on all levels of existence.  He or she has been where others currently are, sees the illusions we are in, and works to show us there is another way.  A Wayshower has experience in lifting and transcending thought patterns of mass consciousness that are limiting by simply understanding that all of this must happen first from within.  A Wayshower knows that as soon as a restriction or contraction is noticed in the body or thought system of that being, their primary agenda is to see the limiting belief, become aware of it, and release it to be transformed by  the universe/creator over and over again. 

A Wayshower does not conform to mass consciousness embedded in fear but goes within daily and moment to moment knowing the only way to shift Earth to a pattern of limitless love is to begin from within, the internal self.  A Wayshower knows all answers come internally because the only reality is that externally we are all connected and from the same ocean.  A Wayshower knows that existence in a physical body is finite and that the real work is done in the etheric and astral bodies.  A Wayshower has thoughts and ideas that are outside of what normal would perceive as good or bad or acceptable or not.  She/he knows that these ideas that come into her/him are ideas that are inspired by an all-encompassing transformative universe that already exists.  When we work with these ideas to bring them into physical reality, we are in essence helping the Old Earth transition and become the New Earth. 

The Wayshower delights in seeing the darkness because through the darkness only light can shine.  A Wayshower loves to have change and shift and is joyous when perceivingly dark opportunities arrive…they see this as a gift of the consciousness of all that is to make large massive shifts on an astronomical level.  It is as if someone finally turned on the bright lights so that they could all see and know they get to work together to clean up the dirt and grime that was hiding.  A Wayshower sits in peaceful knowing that inner work allows us to get more done and is far more powerfully effective that trying to control, fix, or change out there first.  A Wayshower surrounds herself with community that also sees the New Earth coming and as she does more and more ‘soon to be’ Wayshowers also gravitate towards them and begin to join the transformation as well. 

A Wayshower just simply knows.  She has confidence in what is happening, is committed to helping the transition happen, holds vision in constant evolution as the highest form of light energy that is capable of vibration and shifting simply by being and knowing.  She is consistent in her ways.  Understanding that the now bumps in the road that used to be mountains are there only to remind her that she must continually fine tune her thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and energy working to be able to reach more and more people. 

The Wayshower does not teach anything and does not make anyone see in a certain way.  A Wayshower never proclaims that this way is the only way because she knows all paths go to the same place…no matter what.  A Wayshower just simply knows and through that knowing, through the supreme understanding of frequencies of light and how to lift vibrationally higher, people, places and things gravitationally are drawn to join this new understanding in their own ways and want to question and do their own work in their own uplifting manners. 

A Wayshower knows that every person is good, and every person is on a path and every person will find their way.  A Wayshower has so much confidence, collaborative instincts, and connection that they merely never fall off the path to their own enlightenment.  They know, they see, and they embrace all.  Their energy is fundamentally constant and limitless because of this knowing.  This is what they do, be, and are in their own individual and non-dualistic ways.  They are, it is, we are, I am, One. 

The Wayshower
Continue your path of learning and coming into your own knowing and you will understand, embody, and embrace the truth of a Wayshower.  This is your path.  Therefore, you are here.  It is time to truly live the life of your dreams.  Fly on my child.  Fly on…show them the way through peace, patience, love, and joy.  Show them the way. 
Please join us for these classes coming in December… they will show you the way to becoming your embodied, light filled, powerful Be Ing… as the WAYSHOWER. 

We need wisdom knowers ready to peacefully stand strong and show us the way. 
These classes will empower you to do just this… this first one is especially dear to me…

The Sandwich Connection   Begins December 1st  (one spot left)
My life work has brought me to an unshakable knowing that you have the power to heartfully manifest a joyful life filled with everything you desire.  Even during a 2020 filled with unknowns…I know this to be true.  I would say this to anyone.  I know this.  Please click here for more information.  We begin next week.  
Chakras, Archetypes & Intuition  Begins December 3rd (one spot left)
An empowering class tuning into your intuition and teaching you how to heal yourself through the chakras and archetypes… powerful energy centers that have the capacity to enlighten your body and elevate your existence where dis-ease/dis-harmony of ANY kind (physical, emotional, mental, relationships, family, career, abundance, etc) no longer exists.  I also KNOW this with an all KNOWING that is beyond space and time.  Come and learn.   Go hear to learn more. 

Pendulum Power   December 14 (one sport left)
Empower yourself to tune into the energetic power you possess through finely tuning yourself to be one with the energy of a pendulum.   This will be a fun class full of opportunity to learn and use this unique element in a variety of ways to hep empower your life.  More here…
Coming Soon

  • Reiki II and Reiki I in January
  • Reiki Shares
  • The Out of Body Chakras and Auric Layers – The Healing Continues
  • Tuning Forks and Toning – Expressing our Communication and learning to Align and Become Empowered through the Voice