Heart Full Manifestation

How Can I Heal My Thoughts and Heal My Life?

I love sharing stories.  It is how I teach.  Sharing why and how I believe we have the power to do absolutely anything and we can heal our lives is what excites me!  This is why I started this program called “The Sandwich Connection”.  It has been around many years now and every time I go through it to help myself go deeper and further into my own healing I am just amazed how the universe responds.  I just get so excited that I want to keep sharing it with others.  I wrote this so that we can understand why it works so well.  I am offering this coming soon in person and on line so please reach out if you want to join the class.  
All my love, Jennifer

The Sandwich Connection has become my natural way of being.  It has become my sanctuary, my salvation, and my revitalization.  Until recently, I did not have a way of putting this practice into simple and well-constructed terms.  This process developed over years of practice and deeply analyzing which practices have the largest impact on transforming thoughts, beliefs, and ideas about life.  As I developed and consumed my life with finding answers for profound internal changes, I was driven by a deep internal need to overcome an underlying source of constantly simmering anxiety.  I had a deep seeded desire to understand why this never went away.  As I searched endlessly, always wondering why most of the practices I found only temporarily helped, I realized that nothing I was looking for ever existed outside of myself.  No matter how many people I spoke to, friends, mentors, therapists, practitioners, or religious organizations and how many techniques I tried there was always an unsatisfied ache yearning to find out what was truly going on. 
It was not until I decided to take everything I had learned over the years and apply it in a constructive format, now called the Sandwich Connection, that  I began to realize how being a creature of habit and ritual was exactly what I needed to make the profound difference I was seeking.  I wanted a way to self-empower myself that I felt confident was coming from a place of self-healing and empowerment and was independent from the outside world.  I wanted a way to make miraculous shifts within me and around me that drew amazing experiences to my field of energy through pure being.  I knew it was possible and after a lifetime of searching found a way to construct something that could be used on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis repeatedly with long lasting and permanent shifts.  I wanted to be able to teach others how to do this for themselves and stop the endless consumption of our society that was based on looking for answers outside of ourselves.  I wanted to give people back their own self empowered lives so that they could then be empowered to pass along this knowledge to others and change our world for the better.  It was when I decided to write everything down and master my own practice that everything came together.  And then I knew, it was time to share. 
It was then that I realized I had become that which I was seeking and that it all came from within me.  This is what I needed to help others see for themselves.  Hence, the Sandwich Connection was born.  And here it is.  I finally felt confident in a process that helped me overcome many shadow moments and dark nights over the years.  This process helped me to come to an understanding today that we truly do create our own realities.
The Sandwich Connection is a method which combines eastern and western traditions in a purposeful manner to ultimately connect us with the truth of our lives, our purpose, and our joy.  Success is not measured through monetary means rather by heart full measures and financial abundance is the product of this.  We have an innate ability to selfheal, create our own path, connect effortlessly in relationships and families, and feel certain we are lead, guided, and directed in all aspects of life.  We are meant to thrive, not survive.  This is the purpose of this program, reigniting your path of heart full manifestation and internal wisdom full of self-empowerment.   
Life in America has become incredibly stressful.  Mostly because this is how Americans have been taught to live.  Too much to do and not enough time is America’s ‘normal’.  iPad, iPhone, texting, Instagram, Facebook, snapchat, selfies, and more add to the issue of stress, decreased self-worth, and feelings of never achieving. With all the technology and gadgets, we have we are still finding that these things are not making our life easier but contributing to our feelings of separation and anxiety.  Being an alternative healing practitioner, I found people were seeking to find answers to their own feelings of underappreciation, unconscious self-absorption, low self-esteem, and underlying anxiety.  As much as they wanted peace it felt impossible to attain.  Through our new age and electronic advances, we had lost the skills innately our own, to achieve a false perception of self-balance and security in our lives.   
Simplicity has healing properties, and most people are so complex that they cannot see what is harming them right in front of their eyes.  Simply put and yet so profound they did not have enough time.  But was it really time that they were after?  Or was it something deeper something even more simple that they had yet to discover.  Inch by inch with every session they had with me we peeled back the layers of beliefs that had held them trapped within the unconscious that was running their life.  Like the hamster that could not stop running on the wheel we worked together to slow down enough that they could finally make that leap of faith to jump off the endless race.  But how do we find the courage and the consciousness to begin to bring profound self-awareness to the unconscious beliefs that have been driving the lives of everyone, if this was the new normal overwhelmingly accepted in society?
First, we must become aware that this is happening and then slow down…pause…and feel the breath within ourselves.  We must return to who we are.  Connected and conscious beings that are completely intuitive and all-knowing as to who we are and our true-life purpose.  We had to return to that.   Slowly and surely people began to slow down and began to sense that their sped-up life was exactly what had been causing their own anxiety.  We worked through all the layers of why, how, and what we had become to return to our self-empowerment.  We embraced how to keep the momentum going towards simplicity and how to keep healing in life with confidence and complete accuracy.  We learned how to break the habits that were breaking us down.   No longer was life about… “The more you do, the better you are, the more you have the better you are, the smarter you are the better you are.”  This ended. 
Second, we must be ready to do this work.  We must be ready to make real and lasting changes.  We must want this.  Those that were ready, made the big changes, and they finally let go. 
Up until this point many of us took the magic pill that would solve all our problems, according to society.  This of course was another American addiction.  If I take this pill, then it will do the trick and I will be better.  If I just go to a yoga class I will feel better, If I have a glass of wine all my problems will go away, if I get a massage I will feel better, if I take some anxiety reducing medications it will take it all away and then maybe I can deal with life.  We are a society based on consumption.  So why not consume more and then we will feel better?  Because we can no longer do this.  We need long lasting profound and permanent change. 
Lastly, life was never about achieving or getting or receiving, it was always about ‘being’ and the best way to do that was through tuning in and tapping into the being that knows best; you.  That is the Sandwich Connection… it is the ‘How to guide’ of self-healing, self-revelation, self-empowerment that is long lasting eternal self-consciousness.  The Sandwich Connection is more than a process of connection with the self it is a life giving, life enhancing strategy that claims your day in every way and allows you to fully connect with life and living.  By looking at your life through the eyes of a sandwich you will begin to see and sense the potential you contain to change your perception and thus change your world.  The world will slow down, and simplicity will take over your life.  Then your true power emerges completely embedded in your passion for love and loving life.  Your mind takes a back seat and your belly and heart take over.   It is a process of self-empowerment that will shift your life forever and you will never be the same.  All doubts will cease to exist, and you will understand what it means to be the change that you seek from within.  Life will improve and your perception will shift to a new level of understanding that encompasses self-empowerment, peace, compassion, love, and joy.  Truly, living at its finest through an ability to heart fully manifest your life’s desires and dreams. 

Upcoming events for December – At My Home – Or over Zoom 
Must Contact in Advance to register

Have you done Reiki 1?  Are you interested in Reiki 2?  I’m available for a small group experience November 20-21 to help you go to the next level of healing and self empowerment.  Please reach out.  

The Sandwich Connection – Heart Fully Manifest Your Life 
6:30-8:30pm $279     Tuesday Evenings (6 evenings)
December 1, 8, 15, 29, January 5 & 12th.    6 in person spots available
Ultimately, you will leave this course with all the tools, knowledge, and complete intuitive understanding that you are the MVP of your life and that mastering this process brings you to a knowing that your life is fully empowered by you.  You will fully understand how to create your existence and heal your life on all levels.  Please go to this detailed link for more information.
Respond to this email to reserve your spot in person or zoom

Chakras & Archetypes & Intuition 
December 3, 10, & 17th   Thursday Evenings  (3 evening) 6:30-9:00pm  $132
5 in person spots left

Learn about the 7 chakras of the body and how they are interrelated with the 14 personality archetypes.  This information will help you become self empowered in all areas of life.  We will use the information to self cleanse and clear our own issues surrounding these areas in order to better serve our world.  Intuitive clearing techniques will be woven into this class to help people see how this information plays out in our every day lives and  how self awareness helps in all these areas.  This class is very insightful and detailed.  Be prepared to learn and make lasting shifts in your life.  Especially if you are a healing practitioner looking to expand your awareness to help yourself and your clients.  Absolutely anyone can benefit.  It is a great adjunct for Teachers & Parents, Reiki, Energy, and Yoga Healers.  
Respond with this email to reserve your spot in person or zoom
(this is the first class of empowerment before Auras and Out of Body Chakras is offered)

Pendulum Power
Monday December 14th  6:30-8:00pm   $36 – 5 spots left 
Learn how to make and use a pendulum that will be yours to keep.  Pendulums have been used for 100’s of years to help decipher answers to almost any question.  Learn how to use one, why it is so helpful, and what you can do with it besides just ask questions.  It is an extremely helpful tool based on energy healing.  Ideal for connecting with your intuitive nature and self healing.  
Respond to this email to reserve your spot in person or zoom
Extra pendulums could be on hand to purchase based on need. 

Reiki Share Free
Tuesday December 22nd 6:30-8pm  – 6 spots left

Come practice your skills with a small group of lovely people.  
Must contact me in advance!  Respond to this email to reserve your spot in person

Want to learn Reiki?  Contact me!  Let’s set up a group or individual session to learn! 
Reiki levels 1,2, & 3  –  all available

Free Toning Tuesdays and Meridian/Mantra Fridays access here!